Who are you?

by Sean Low on February 6, 2009

Like so many entreprenneurs (guilty), I often get caught up in what is next (it is so sexy after all), without really taking inventory of the business as it exists today.  An analogy might help make the point.  To a race car driver, a squealing tire is a happy tire.  He/she wants to be on the edge of losing control as much as possible to maximize performance.  Pretty sure a truck driver wouldn't feel the same way about a squealing tire.  To her/him, being able to go and go and go is what maximizes performance.

If you have been in business a while, your business will have aspects of being a race car AND a semi.  You just have to figure out which is which and structure your business plans accordingly.  And just because it is your newest venture doesn't necessarily make it a race car.

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