Timing Is Everything

by Sean Low on May 7, 2009

Most creative businesses capture clients at a moment in time – wedding planner when the bride gets engaged, an interior designer when a home is bought, a graphic designer when the corporation needs some sort of branding work done.  Some of you have done a wonderful job of building your name and brand beyond your business so that your clients are literally waiting for the moment they can use you.  So it goes with the Prestons, Colins, Davids, Vicentes, Mindys and Sylvias of the world.  And as it may well go for you in your regional market.  Of course, earning your rock star status takes time, money and the right clients.  Very hard to get the last two without investing a whole lot in the first.  Each one of the people I cited have been in the business for more than 20 years.

Most clients are not groupies though and what they are really doing is just trying to fill their immediate need.  No doubt, you want your marketing strategy to be able to showcase who you are and what you do when the client's need arises.  However, please be aware that ALL of your competitors are doing the same thing at the same time.  The question you should all be asking yourselves is how you can capture the client BEFORE their need arises.  It can be something so simple as focusing your blog on something other than your core business.  A great example is what Amy Beth Cupp Dragoo is doing with her blog at ABCD Design.  Amy writes about all things design, of which her invitation business is just a part.  She is young and relevant enough to capture anyone interested in design (of which there are many)– whether they are getting married or not.  When her brides get engaged, there is a fair chance they already know her from her design blog and think of her for invitation and paper accessories.

Morphing your art to serve other markets is the subject of another post.  My point here is that it is very hard to be heard when you are speaking when everyone else is.  If you can figure out how to talk to your clients when they don't NEED to listen to you, yours will be the only voice they will want to hear when they do.


1 Latrice Cushenberry - Nashville Tn - Bridal Opulence May 7, 2009 at 9:06 pm

Great post as usual and very relevant!! Thanks!

2 ABC Dragoo May 10, 2009 at 9:05 pm

For heaven sakes! I just popped over to see what you had to teach me and — You are talking about my blog, ABCD Design! —
I should take a moment to compose myself and write something eloquent, but oh-my-goodness -!- I could not be more delighted. You mentioning my blog is the highest compliment and I truly appreciate it.
Warm regards,
ABC Dragoo

3 Bella Signature Design May 12, 2009 at 9:59 pm

Your post has made me think about how I could reach a different audience, about reaching brides before they become brides. I have had a few brides along the way tell me they have wanted to hire me before they even met their fiancee, and I should have listened to that more, and found out what struck them about my company, how did they find me, and what did they like? Instead of just being flatterred, I should have used that information! I sure will now, and I the thoght of shifting the focus of my blog to reach out to brides before they are brides seems an idea worth investing some time in. Thank you!

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