The Value of Public Relations

by Sean Low on March 9, 2009

Art needs an audience.  The artist needs patrons.  Most often, patrons need to see the audience to be patrons in the first place.  A good PR firm can be the grease for the entire wheel.  Or just a bunch of hot air.

As a client, I have had the opportunity to work with big firms and small, individuals and in-house employees.  What I have learned is that PR is only as good as your plan.  Before you hire a PR firm, have a sense of who you are, what makes your business distinct and how it all applies to your art.  Without this foundation, you will get a ton of press clippings that will make for a great scrapbook and not much else.

A good PR firm can take your story to the world better than you could ever hope to.  However, you still have to be your own best promoter.  This means that you have to be flexible, available and creative with your PR team to give them the tools to do their job well.  They will certainly have significant input, but, as always, it is your business and your vision.

I am not a fan of getting press for press' sake for any level of creative business — start-up to major player.  Unless there is something tangible that the press can provide, then it is just about ego.  Even if the press is to just raise your profile, ok, so long as you are raising your profile to the right audience.

Now is the time to take a look at what you are doing to build the future of your business.  Advertising, attending conferences/tradeshows, throwing/going to industry-sponsored events is certainly one way to go.  Myopic to me since your audience is limited and your investment in terms of time and money is significant.  Shifting that energy (and, yes, money is energy) to implementing a creative PR strategy is incredibly effective in terms of making a brand statement.  The strategy may not yield immediate results in terms of booked business, but, if done well, will put your business at the forefront of what is and is going to be relevant to the audience you seek.


1 Wendy March 9, 2009 at 5:25 pm

Great advice…I’m determined to take baby steps so I do this thing the right way. Coming up with the right strategy has been challenging…like a game of chess!

2 Jenny Weitz-Amare Cartwright March 9, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Good self promotion and good marketing strategies are the most important things to do in order to have a well developed business. It is always good to step back and see how your business is being projected to the public and how effective the public is absorbing it.

3 Leila Khalil | Wedding Publicist | Be Inspired PR | March 11, 2009 at 7:12 pm

I agree with you! Timing and budget is also key when choosing to move forward with a PR strategy. Some people think that it’s the “trendy” thing to do right now in our business. You don’t hire a PR person just because you want to be in magazines. A strong business foundation and brand must be in place before you can promote yourself to the media and to attract your target client. For certain clients we PR people can help you build that foundation and for others its up to you to put the energy and focus towards it.
I just love everything you write…(when are you writing a book?)

4 bridalbar March 16, 2009 at 2:49 am

Just as important as the foundation of your biz, is the foundation of your team. I’ve seen so many invest time and money in representation that really had no plan of their own. Social media does not equal a well rounded pr campaign, so do your homework and find someone that fully grasps not only what you do well, but what they themselves do well. That together is a powerhouse that can be monumentally effective, but it goes both ways.

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