
by seanlow on September 20, 2011

We are all busy trying to master the new new thing.  Be it all things social media, business offerings, employees, vendors, markets, even clothes, we just do not want to be left behind.  Staying the course so often is interpreted as sitting still.  The fear of the world passing us by makes it virtually impossible to take a breath and just see what is to come.  Welcome to the hamster wheel.

Change is hard, talking the talk is not.  You can embrace the idea that you have created a better version of yourself, even be able to convince those around you of the new you.  Just look at your new Facebook page, headshot, stationery, logo, website copy, advertisement, etc.  However, evolution takes humility and grace – humility to know that to live your own truth when you have not previously done so is unbelievably scary; grace because you need to have faith that the unknown you are leaping into is better than the known you are choosing to leave behind no matter the result.

Fortitude is not tested in theory.  Clients, readers, employees, vendors will look at you funny, slyly mock or be outright indignant at your decisions.  When you stop taking commissions, refuse to work with PIA clients, encourage your employees to be willing to fail, etc., there will be those who, at best will not believe you, and, at worst, actively participate in undoing the change you have set in motion.  How you choose to respond is a litmus test of how far you are willing to expose yourself, your art and your creative business.  It is also for you to see just how much you might be working to undo changes you have made.  No one will understand the change as much as you will.  Everyone will adjust at their own pace.  Your work is to live in yourself, your convictions and your new direction until it becomes the fabric of your creative business.  Patience.  The thousandth time you talk about why you do what you do will be different from the first so long as you are willing to listen to and then ignore the voice inside you telling you to hide.  If you go about over-steering the boat every time you face confrontation to change you will go around in circles and get nowhere.

The roots to success for your creative business is not in the money you generate, the attention you are able to grab, or even the artistic statements you can make.  The roots are in your mantra, your idea of integrity, your vision for what you must share with the world and the depth of your unwillingness to ever be shaken from all that you stand for.  With these roots you can go literally anywhere.  The whole point of working so diligently on your own integrity is to ensure that the next move for you, your art and your creative business will only make the roots stronger no matter whether the result is a traditional measure of success or not.  A strong foundation is just that and it is foolsplay to think that the new new thing will provide it for you.  It will not.  The new new thing is only the reward of a strong foundation as are all of the traditional measures of success.  What you tell yourself today matters.  Patience, humility, grace and the fortitude to see beyond today matters more.


1 Latrice September 20, 2011 at 12:31 am

WOW, really amazing post & you are always so timely in your reflections. Firm believer is evolution taking humility & grace.
Thank you!

2 Astrid Mueller September 20, 2011 at 12:17 pm

Inspiring article, Sean, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I wholeheartedly agree with you. In your words you rephrased the same principles that I live when working with my branding customers. A strong, authentic foundation (in my work: brand characteristics) is key to long-term success.

Keep up the great work!

3 Eve September 20, 2011 at 12:54 pm

Amazing post! It is SO hard not to get caught up in the drama of the moment, and not succumb to the general frenzy of re-branding, re-designing, fighting for the limelight. Integrity is EVERYTHING in this industry.
This post came in such perfect time for me, so thank you very much. You are an inspiration and a constant source of wisdom.

4 Rochelle September 22, 2011 at 5:48 am

Amazing article Sean. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

5 kari September 27, 2011 at 11:08 am

Beautifully said, this speaks to me so much right now.

6 Bernadette September 28, 2011 at 10:25 pm

I needed that today!!

7 Kaella September 30, 2011 at 1:46 am

When I graduated from college, moved to LA and started searching for my “dream job”, I struggled with this. My Mom advised me to write a big, capital “P” on my white board to remind me to have patience. “You’re a hard worker, talented and outgoing. Things will come in time,” she said. And now, as I build my own event planning & design business, I find myself repeating that word in my head often. It’s a mantra I use to stay focused on now. This is a great article. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and advice.

8 Michelle October 14, 2011 at 2:04 pm

Thank you…so many ideas that I need to hear today!

9 Katina October 19, 2011 at 11:58 pm

Kaella, that’s a great idea! I need a “P” the size of Texas on my white board to remind me to have patience.

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