About Sean Low

Sean_LowEveryone should be creative. Whatever your art is, it should invigorate you and bring you joy. And if it happens to be your business, it should bring you the money you need to keep being creative.

I am the Founder and President of The Business of Being Creative LLC. The Business of Being Creative provides practical business advice to those in the business of being creative. Prior to starting The Business of Being Creative, I enjoyed (and still enjoy) long-term consulting relationships with several creative businesses and was the President of Preston Bailey Design, Inc., representing Preston in all of his business endeavors throughout the world from September 2003 until July 2009.

I have a law degree from the University of Pennsylvania and my business experience ranges from law, investment banking, financial executive to small business owner.

Through my work with Preston and my other creative clients over the last six years – Vicente Wolf, Style Me Pretty, Marcy Blum, Michelle Rago, Christian Oth and Sylvia Weinstock to name a few – I have discovered my own creative passion: thinking about creative businesses – how they run, how to make them run better, helping them know who they are and then be the best at what they do. If I had to say what the key to my success is, it is this:  I have the ability to help artists build their businesses in a way that most honors the art that is behind them.

Please click on the links below for the services offered by The Business of Being Creative.